ADHD Meds Without Side Effects: A Natural Homeopathic Aid

ADHD meds without side effects

If you have a child who is being treated for symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you probably wonder if it is possible to find ADHD meds without side effects.

While there are some ADHD medications with less side effects than others, it is difficult to treat the condition without negative effects. The most common medications used to treat ADHD include Aderall, Strattera, Ritalin and Concerta. Many children experience one or more side effects from these medications. Common side effects include nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, stomach pain, nausea, headache and dry mouth.

The symptoms of ADHD interfere significantly with a child’s academic and social skills. Children with ADHD have difficulty concentrating, are often not able to follow directions or pay attention to detail, are disorganized, fidget and move around often. They may also become distracted easily and may have frequent temper tantrums and outbursts.

ADHD Medications are often effective in managing some of the symptoms, but not all of them. The drugs used to treat ADHD help children to concentrate, control impulsive behavior and plan ahead. However, even with medications, many children with ADHD still have emotional problems. Medications are also not very effective in dealing with awkwardness, forgetfulness and problems with organizing thoughts and activities.

Medications by themselves are not the only way to treat ADHD. There are treatments that can be used along with medications, and there are also natural alternatives to prescription ADHD meds without the side effects. Counseling and behavior management are sometimes helpful, and diet, exercise and good sleeping habits can help as well.

ADHD Meds Without Side Effects Do Not Exist…

natural remedy for ADHDBut fortunately, homeopathic remedies can be used in place of ADHD medications. Several homeopathic remedies have been shown to effectively treat symptoms ranging from excitability to compulsivity. One example is a substance called hyoscyamus.

In a study of homeopathic treatment for ADHD, hyoscyamus appeared to reduce excitability, disruptive behavior, the tendency toward sudden outbursts and involuntary twitching and grimacing. In other words, it has a calming effect on hyperactive children.

Another example of a homeopathic remedy that can be used instead of ADHD medications is arsen iod. Arsen iod seems to suppress irritability and balance temper when a child is faced with a frustrating situation. Many children with ADHD react to frustration with temper tantrums, but if the feeling of frustration is balanced, temper tantrums can often be avoided.

A third homeopathic product, verta alb, has been shown to stabilize emotions and calm nerves, giving the child the ability to manage internal struggles without exhibiting symptoms of ADHD that can interfere with the ability to function.

As you can see there are natural options available and parents are getting very good results with them.

ADHD meds without side effects

It is a fact that traditional ADHD meds without side effects do not exist… yet; and even if there were ADHD medications with less side effects  – still your child would be at risk.

Behavior Balance, for example, is a homeopathic formula that has shown to be quite effective, and which you may want to investigate as a safe option for your child.

Wishing all the best and we hope this helps you,

Natural Healing Remedies

more on  ADHD meds without side effects on our ADHD info page