Hypothyroidism Diet and Lifestyle Tips

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Post Updated: March 18th 2023

Hypothyroidism is related to an underactive thyroid gland that does not release thyroid hormones properly. Some of the debilitating symptoms that accompany this condition include poor immune function, depression, weight gain, mental fatigue, sluggish metabolism, and sensitivity to cold. Here are some crucial tips including the hypothyroidism diet to help you thrive and get rid of the symptoms you are experiencing.

  1. Are Heavy Metals and Toxins Bad for Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism Diet TipsHeavy metals enter the body easily from various forms of metal pollution such as radiation exposure from hi-tech gadgets (television, microwaves, and cell phones), mercury amalgam dental fillings, tap water, and exposure to polluted environments.

If you suspect that you have heavy metal toxicity or simply want to change your life, you must get rid of all toxins in your living environment.

It is very important to detoxify your home. Studies have linked ingredients in various household products to cancer, asthma, hormone disruption, neurotoxicity, and reproductive disorders. Therefore, routine exposure to these ingredients increases our risk for these diseases and health complications.

You can easily change your approach to cleaning using simple ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, and borax. Other ingredients such as lavender and tea tree have great antiseptic properties which makes them highly effective for freshening up your floors, shower, toilet, and countertops.

  1. Alkalize your Body  

The human body needs to maintain a pH of 7.4 in order to function optimally. However, our standard diet which mainly comprises animal protein, sugars, gluten, processed foods, dried foods, and foods grown with pesticides and hormones are very acidic.

An alkaline diet that is rich in supplements like chlorophyll, and chlorella such as organic vegetables, smoothies, and green juices support strong digestive and immune health. For instance, you can have green juice every day or simply drink lemon water daily to stimulate peristalsis and the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Use Organic Beauty Products

Everything you put on your skin is either assimilated into the body or eliminated. Most perfumes and chemical creams burden your body heavily because they contain various hormone-mimicking chemicals that interfere with natural human hormones that can cause many health problems.

Try these Organic Beauty Products!

  1. Physical Activity

Besides cleansing your body, physical activity relieves stress and restores balance to your hormones. However, it is important to find psycho-physical activities that suit you in order to relieve accumulated stress.

Some of the best forms of exercise include meditation, mini-trampoline jumping, walking or jogging (in nature: mountains, forests, along lakes, rivers, and the beach), rowing, photo-safari, golf, Chi gong, Tai Chi, Meditation, Martial arts (judo, kung fu, karate, and Aikido), and yoga (Chinese yoga and Hatha). Other healthy activities include aerobics, dancing, stretching, gymnastics, swimming and weight lifting.

  1. Sweating

Sweating is a very powerful way of cleansing your body. Examples of activities that stimulate a lot of sweating include sauna, exercising with heavy clothes, and eating cayenne pepper. Some industrial pesticides and toxins can only be eliminated through the sweat glands.

  1. Dietary Changes for Hypothyroidism

Eat a clean diet of real, whole foods that consist of food that is organically grown without any pesticides and hormones. On the other hand, you should avoid processed foods and foods that contain refined sugar. Focus on incorporating fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts into your diet in order to get energy naturally without any unnecessary cravings.

For instance, you can challenge yourself to a few weeks of a plant-based diet that is gluten-free and free of alcohol and caffeine. Adhering to a hyperthyroidism diet will make you feel more radiant, less fatigued, and lighter.

Best food for thyroid

best foods for hypothyroidism

Breathing deeply clears your lungs, relaxes the body, and also helps the mind to focus in order to let go of stress. Stress interferes with digestion and immunity, so yoga is very beneficial to the body.

Wishing you good health and wellness, your friend,

Natural Healing Remedies

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