Foods for Hypothyroidism

Foods for HypothyroidismDo not be surprised if foods that are considered otherwise healthy don’t make it in the best foods for hypothyroidism list. The reason is that these food choices contain certain natural substances that intervene with the production of thyroid hormones.

The normal functioning of the thyroid is needed for regulating the body’s metabolic rate. If the thyroid becomes under-active or does not produce enough hormones, then this metabolic rate falls and plays havoc with other normal bodily functions like weight management, sleep habits, mood changes, and energy levels.

To counter this under activity, many individuals turn to natural ways to increase thyroid function. Foremost among these is to regulate dietary habits by choosing helpful foods for hypothyroidism. Some dietary suggestions to avoid hypothyroidism are to include foods that are rich sources of iodine.

best supplements for HypothyroidismExamples of Foods for Hypothyroidism.

Iodine is integrally found in the thyroid hormone and helps enhance thyroid function. In fact, the thyroid simply can not perform without it. Good sources of this trace element are cow’s milk, eggs, salmon, seaweed, tuna, and other ocean-fresh seafood, preferably small fish from deep cold waters to avoid mercury-loaded fish. Iodine has an antimicrobial effect and can easily be found in the form of iodized salt.

Selenium is another equally crucial element for proper thyroid performance as it aids in regulating thyroid hormonal production. Good sources of selenium are Brazil nuts, mushrooms, beef, and sunflower seeds.

Fresh fruits will increase your intake of antioxidants making them beneficial foods for hypothyroidism. Fruits also provide multiple vitamins that boost the overall immune system of the body. Some recommended options are blueberries, kiwi fruit, cherries, and red plums.

Our thyroid support supplement suggestion.

best foods for hypothyroidismAmong vitamins, Vitamin B is important for maintaining riboflavin, niacin, and pyroxidine balances as all these are involved in thyroid hormonal production. Excellent sources are organ meats, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, beans, and lentils.

Other nutritional changes should involve the inclusion of foods rich in iron. Research has shown links between iron deficiency and reduced thyroid efficiency. Iron-rich foods include clams, oysters, pumpkin seeds, blackstrap molasses, and spinach among many others.

Among non-optimal foods for hypothyroidism, you can find those that are goitrogenic in nature… they should be avoided in large quantities.

best foods for hypothyroidism

Which vegetables are ‘bad foods for hypothyroidism?’

Goitrogens are substances that impact thyroid functioning by affecting iodine absorption. These include but are not limited to raw vegetables such as :

  • asparagus,
  • broccoli,
  • spinach,
  • cauliflower,
  • Brussels sprouts,
  • and cabbage.

If you love your veggies then you can consume them in cooked form and in moderation as the cooking process lowers their goitrogenic content.

Soy and its products are also thought to interfere with the absorption of the thyroid hormone. Many processed and refined foods can be hidden sources of soy, so care needs to be taken when dealing with such dietary options.

In some instances, gluten has also been deemed guilty of causing thyroid dysfunction, especially in the case of Hashimoto’s disease. So, unless you are gluten intolerant, (in which case you can not have any grain products) try to limit your grain intake. Replace refined flour products with those coming from whole grains.

Although one of the most common conditions, hypothyroidism is greatly underdiagnosed. Keeping track of your nutritional options and getting to know your unique body’s needs are the safest and most natural ways to increase thyroid function.

Foods for hypothyroidismWould you like a balanced thyroid function?

If you like to learn more about specific foods for hypothyroidism, as well as healthy lifestyle choices that favor balanced thyroid function, take a look at  The Thyroid Factor, a resource that has shown to be practical and valuable to thousands of people all over the world.

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Take heart, help is within your reach:)

Foods for Hypothyroidism

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