Allergy and Sinus Relief

allergies and sinus problemsFighting your Symptoms Naturally.

If you’re looking for allergy and sinus relief there are a few facts you should know about before deciding which method(s) you want to use to get rid of sinus and allergy symptoms. For instance, did you know that the air inside your home could contain potentially harmful airborne contaminants as much as air outside the home?

Approximately ninety percent of Americans spend majority of their time indoors, without knowing that these contaminants, called allergens, can aggravate allergic and sinus symptoms, causing lasting damage to their health. So in order to get allergy and sinus relief it’s important not only to consider a natural product that helps with allergies but also to take some steps to reduce your exposure to common allergens.

Below are some of the airborne allergens that are leading causes of allergies and sinus problems:

  • Pollen
  • Mold spores
  • Dust mites with their feces
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Gas molecules such as NOx (auto exhaust fumes)

Also, there are certain odors that could irritate the nasal passages and cause the symptoms in allergic persons to act up. These include formaldehyde (a caustic agent), ammonia (pet and body odors), acetaldehyde (tobacco odors), adhesives, paints and carpets.

How to Obtain Allergy and Sinus Relief.

A HEPA air purifier is an essential component to maintaining an allergen free and healthy home. Medical professionals have recommended the use of a HEPA air purifier in homes and offices for those who suffer from airborne allergens or breathing and sinus problems.

When looking for a HEPA air purifier choose one that filters the maximum of particles possible and 0.3 microns and larger, including allergens and contaminants such as dust mites, dust mite feces, mold spores, pollen, and animal dander. There are air purifiers for all room sizes: 250 square feet or less, 500 square feet or less, and 1100 square feet or less.

natural treatment for allergies and sinusA natural and herbal formula for allergy and sinus relief can also be of great help. Doctors in general treat allergies with antihistamine drugs, which act as blocking agents of histamine. These medications can bring relief to many people but like with all drugs there are prons and cons to them including side effects such as insomnia, dry mouth, sedation, reduced concentration, increased bacterial and sinus infections among other things.

On the other hand, herbs and natural substances like Quercitin, Eyebright, tissue salts and homeopathic remedies have been shown to reduce the symptoms of allergies with no ill effects.

  • Quercitin, which is a well-studied flavonoid, is a potent antioxidant found in apples and onions that helps reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Quercitin blocks the release of histamine naturally, which in turn prevents congestion, watery eyes and itchiness in eyes and nose.
  • Eyebright is an herb that has been used for centuries and, which has astringent, anti-catarrhal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Nat. Mur. D6 and Kali Mur. D6 are biochemic tissue salts that help reduce and prevent runny nose, hayfever and that have decongestant and anti-inflammatory effects respectively.

Featured Formula for Allergies and Sinus Problems.

A comprehensive formula that we recommend for allergy and sinus relief is Gaia Herbs, Tumeric Supreme Allergy. This is a superb formula that combines the knowledge of experienced natural health practitioners with proven natural compounds that help reduce and prevent the symptoms of airborne and seasonal allergies. Help for allergy sufferers

  • Relieves symptoms of allergies and hay fever
  • Decreases dependence on antihistamine drugs
  • Soothes and improves health of mucous membranes
  • Blocks allergic reaction to allergens by reducing the release of histamine
  • Improves resistance against allergens and strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces susceptibility to colds, sinusitis, flu and other respiratory infections


Learn more about Gaia Herbs Turmeric Supreme Allergy and find out how this can help you improve your resistance against allergens and help you feel relieved.

Wishing you wellness and a clear nose!!

Natural Healing Remedies

More on  allergy and sinus relief on our health conditions page