Health Benefits of Bromelain

Health benefits of bromelainBromelain Uses.

Extracted from pineapple stems and juice, the benefits of bromelain can be associated with both folk and modern medicine. This enzyme is primarily used as a supplement which is taken to address inflammatory concerns. Other popular bromelain uses include its consumption as a dietary supplement, as a meat tenderizer as well as a treatment for slowing down blood clotting and inhibiting tumor cell growth.

As far as its medicinal uses are concerned, benefits of bromelain center on its potential as a healing agent in alternative medicine. Its use may decrease the intensity of swelling and bruising, or pain and inflammation after a surgical procedure or injury. Any sprains, strains or muscular damage can be treated with a regulated dose of bromelain.

It is also thought to aid in resolving nasal and congestive issues and is used to improve breathing, regulate congestion and restrain coughing.

Its anti coagulant effect on mucus seems to thin out the consistency allowing for a freer respiratory passage and improving breathing conditions. The product has gained immense popularity in Germany where its use has been approved for treatment of sinus and nasal conditions. Allergies or hay fever have also been regulated by its use.

Since it can be absorbed by the body, bromelain uses are thought to assist with digestive issues. The enzyme works as a natural digestive aid because it is able to facilitate protein digestion. Complete proteins are tough to digest and need the help of enzymes for proper breakdown. In instances of digestive symptoms like bloating, flatulence or cramping, it is used in conjunction with certain other enzymes so that the process of digestion can be facilitated by the body. A bowel condition known as ulcerative colitis involves internal swelling and ulcers. Bromelain has been used in the treatment of this condition.

Since it is used as a blood thinner, benefits of bromelain include allowing freer blood flow in the circulatory vessels. This can be very helpful in optimizing improved blood circulation in cases where there are certain heart and circulatory issues.

Other Health Benefits of Bromelain.

BromelainDue to its anti inflammatory properties, it is often recommended as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Available as a nutritional supplement, and found in comprehensive natural health formulas such as Not Just Joints, the benefits of bromelain target the reduction of pain and inflammation associated with the condition. Certain inflammatory skin conditions like acne, rosacea and eczema have been treated by the use of bromelain.

[unordered_list style=”tick”]

  • Maintain healthy joints, muscles and connective tissues
  • Support joint mobility and comfort…
  • Restore cartilage and Glutathione depletion
  • Increase mobility…
  • Reduce joint inflammation, swelling and stiffness…
  • Target the cause of pain and provide relief…
  • Support affected joints, muscles and tissues…
  • Increase immune support and even improve skin condition…


Bromelain uses have also included the enzyme being explored as a complementary treatment for cancer. Because of its ability to boost immune cell activation, this potent supplement compound is able to fight cancer by disassembling scar tissue and promoting normal cellular function.

Bromelain has been deemed safe for most people when administered in proper doses. However, there are some side effects associated with its use. These include diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort.

If you are allergic to pineapple or suffer from other allergies, it is best to check with your health care practitioner before using the product. Since it is known to delay clotting, those undergoing surgery will need to stop its use at least two weeks before the scheduled date. Other than in these exceptions, the benefits of bromelain are widely recognized.

Wishing you ease and wellness,

Natural Healing Remedies

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Not Just Joints is Amazing.

Just a note to say thanks for Not Just Joints. It works. I am 43 now and I had radiation for cancer 5 years ago. My joints deteriorated noticeably along with making horrible grinding noises! After 2 weeks on Not Just Joints I am back hiking without pain – my knees work again!! Thank you!”

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I followed your recommended protocol of six tablets per day for two months, then three tablets per day starting in the third month….Toward the end of my first month I found that I could walk up flights of stairs without feeling pain in my knees. During the second month I was able to stop leaning on the handrail for support when climbing stairs and I continued to be free of pain in my knees during the following months.”

Eric, USA

“5 years ago I began taking 4 extra strength 750mg/750mg combination of Glucosamine sulfate and Chondroitin supplements every day to combat the beginnings of arthritis in my left hand. These worked great for about 2 years, but then my problem seemed to worsen and the supplements weren’t working as well anymore.

So, when we were transferred to China I decided to not bring any of these supplements with me. Since then I have been basically just toughing it out with Aspirin or Naproxen and experimenting with various arthritis creams until your supplements came out, at which time I decided to give them a try.

I do think that the Xtend-Life Not Just Joints formula is helping. As I mentioned earlier, I have been taking 6 per day already for one month now and plan to continue 6 per day for another 30 days before dropping to 3 per day if the supplements are working. I also take extra Turmeric 1/8 tsp, and 1/8 tsp Ginger every day with this product.”

Marla, USA