
Natural enzyme supplementEnzyme Supplement.

Kiwi-Klenz is an all natural digestive health supplement that hails from New Zealand. Created by the kiwis from the healthful goodness of the kiwi fruit this natural enzyme supplement focuses to target various digestive inconsistencies. Digestive tract issues like bloating, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea are commonplace for a lot of people. Along with many other imbalances, these symptoms can be frustrating and discomforting, not to mention embarrassing.

With the exception of certain medical issues, good digestive health can often be maintained through observing a balanced diet that caters to all the food groups in adequate quantities. Sensible suggestions like eating more fiber, drinking lots of fluids and regular physical activity are encouraged. However, sometimes a little outside help is required.

Breaking tradition from the other kiwi based supplements, which are derived from freeze dried pulp of the fruit, Kiwi-Klenz gets its healing potency from not only the pulp but also the skin of the kiwi fruit. The skin of the fruit is packed with phenolics and prebiotics that are extracted to serve as a soluble fiber. Fortified with the high integer of fiber, this supplemental product assists in easy digestion.

Natural digestive enzyme supplementNot all foods are created equal and as such have varying demands from the digestive tract. In addition to the benefits of soluble fiber, this digestive supplement also offers helpful enzyme performance that breaks down hard to digest foods.

Natural digestive enzyme supplement

Undigested milk and other proteins need to be completely broken down before entering the bloodstream. Digestive enzymes from this handy supplement make sure that all such breakdowns take place prior to any absorption into the bloodstream.

The phenolic compounds of this supplement aid in restoring bacterial imbalances while assisting the growth of healthy bacteria. These compounds regulate the digestive tract’s immune performance by inhibiting the growth of hostile intestinal bacteria.

The kiwi fruit contains prebiotics as opposed to the more popularly recognized probiotics. While probiotics are friendly bacteria that are administered in adequate amounts into certain foods, prebiotics are present naturally in many plant foods. The prebiotic fiber works in favor of the digestive process by creating an environment which is hostile to pathogens in the digestive tract. A healthy digestive tract greatly reduces the chance of toxins entering into the bloodstream. Digesten-K has been formulated based on all these healthful principles.

natural enzyme supplement

Kiwi-Klenz Health Benefits.

Regular use of this enzyme supplement will offer various benefits to assist you in achieving a more balanced digestive system. Changes like improved bowel movements, restored intestinal balance and freedom from abdominal cramps are just some of the advantages to name a few. By improving digestive performance, you are better able to avail the optimal nutritional benefits of the foods that you eat. You also experience more energy and can even drop some extra pounds!

Available as a convenient easy to swallow vegetarian capsule, the supplement can be taken once or twice a day. This makes the daily dose easy to take and also more economical as benefits of a single capsule equate those of multiple products.

Once your symptoms improve, and you experience healthy digestion due to the inclusion of Kiwi-Klenz, you will notice a remarkable difference in your overall health – and add to your quality of life.

Check it out and see why it has become the preferred enzyme supplement of many around the world.

natural enzyme supplement

Wishing you life balance and good health,

Natural Healing Remedies

Click here to go  to our Digestive Enzymes web page

What is it about Kiwi-Klenz that has customers Raving…..?

I want to say how grateful I am for Kiwi Klenz. I had an embarrassing and chronic flatulence problem that I couldn’t get rid of no matter how I changed my diet or took other types of gas pills. Within a few days taking Kiwi Klenz my problem is basically gone. It is such a relief now not to worry. I have told several friends and they have been pleased too.

Dorothie H, USA  February 22nd, 2013