Early Menopause Symptoms

What causes early menopauseCause of Early or Premature Menopause

Before we talk about early menopause symptoms let’s cover why menopause happens. Menopause generally happens because of an ovarian condition that causes the body to stop producing estrogen and progesterone  as you get older, the two chief hormones produced by a woman’s body and the hormones that create and sustain the monthly menstrual cycle.

Though menopause normally starts to happen when a woman is in her 40s and ends when she’s in her 50s, some women will experience what is called premature or early menopause with symptoms that may vary, and that can occur when a woman is quite young.

What Does Cause Early Menopause?

Though premature or early menopause can strike a woman when she’s very young rarely does it happen due to natural causes.

Surgical removal of the ovaries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and some drugs used to treat other physical conditions can cause early menopause. In other words, premature menopause is “induced.”

Too, women who have had breast cancer and are undergoing treatment will often be given the drug tamoxifen or a similar drug. These types of medicines can cause early menopause as well. Breast cancer tumors are highly susceptible to hormones and will often grow more quickly when these, particularly estrogen, are present. For these women, an induced early menopause is crucial to preventing the spread of cancer.

While older women may delight when they find they no longer have periods, younger women may react very differently. Early menopause can especially hard on young women who have not had children or who wanted to have more. Their emotional needs are different, and many times their emotional reactions are more dramatic than women who enter menopause naturally at an older age.

There tends to be a lot more grief involved for women who have a premature menopause. This grief should be taken seriously, and the women need to have adequate support as they go through this grieving process.

Also, early menopause can cause what is called estrogen crash. This can be devastating emotionally and physically for younger women. They will experience many of the same symptoms of older women in menopause, but much more severe.

Early Menopause Symptoms.

what are symptoms of early menopauseThe severity of early menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, mood changes, depression, fatigue and sleep disturbance is due to the abrupt elimination of estrogen, and to a lesser degree, progesterone, in their bodies.

The sudden estrogen drop experienced in an induced premature menopause is quite different from the slow drop that women who go through menopause naturally and at an older age experience.

The result is often severe menopausal symptoms that happen practically overnight, giving women going through an early or premature menopause no opportunity to prepare for the onslaught of menopause symptoms.

symptoms of menopause

Traditional Therapy.

Women who experience early or premature menopause will likely have Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) prescribed by their doctors. This is to prevent some of the more severe conditions such as osteoporosis that many women experience as a result of menopause, but can be even more serious for younger women. Estrogen has been found to help osteoporosis from developing or worsening.

However, HRT can have some serious side effects such as causing blood clots which increase a woman’s chances of having a stroke. HRT can also make a woman more prone to develop breast cancer during the post menopause years. There are other serious side effects of HRT as well, and before beginning HRT, you want to find out all you can about them and make sure that it is the safest treatment for you.

Our Recommended Herbal Remedy For Menopausal Symptoms

Premature or early menopause symptoms can also be treated with herbal remedies. There are many good, high quality herbal treatments for menopause symptoms. Care should be taken, though, to make sure that you opt for a high-quality and safe supplement. Too, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor to be sure that any medications you are already taking will not interact in a negative way with the herbal treatment.

Early menopause symptomsCheckout this comprehensive herbal formula that we’ve found has helped many women to deal successfully with early menopause symptoms here!

This scientific formulated supplement contains proven herbs and natural compounds that help menopausal women go through menopause with much less discomfort. Its ingredients include wild yam, black cohosh and dong quai, which have been shown their remarkable abilities to treat menopausal symptoms… Like to learn more about this effective, gentle solution to menopausal symptoms

Best supplements for Menopause

Wishing you inner peace and whole hearted balance,

Natural Healing Remedies

More on early menopause symptoms on our health conditions page

Read more on The benefits of wild yam HERE!