How the Immune System Works

How the immune system worksThe Immune System

How the immune system works is very fascinating and complex. The immune system is one of the most precious systems our body has because it has the ability to defend us from unwanted visitors and protect us from disease.

This system also has the power to “clean up” wounds inside our body and the ability to help the body heal properly.

For instance, the role of the immune system in the inflammation process is crucial. If an injured tissue has inflammatory chemicals and those chemicals are left unattended, the problem remains and has the potential to get much worse. It’s similar to when you fall and cut yourself – if your wound is not cleaned properly, it won’t heal properly.

Our immune system is under constant attack as if there is an ongoing war inside our body while we eat, sleep, walk, talk, etc.
There are many unwelcome invaders trying to break in and settle into our body to live happily ever after.

Fortunately, we have our own immunologic “army” and its job is to defend the body against attacks by “foreign” agents like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. If the immune system malfunctions, the result is disease.

The immune system has incredible capacities that facilitate its functions. Did you know that your immune system has its own way to remember previous experiences and react accordingly? It can even distinguish between self and non-self. It can remember that you had chicken pox and can prevent you from getting it again.

The immune system can also recognize millions of non-self or dangerous molecules and produce molecules and cells that match and neutralize each of them.

How the Immune System Works…

There are approximately one trillion lymphocytes (white blood cells) in charge of the activities of the immune system.

Even though there are many types of cells form this system they can be grouped into two major classes: B cells produce antibodies and mark invaders to be destroyed and T cells are the “soldiers” that perform the job of attacking and destroying the enemy.

Cells of the immune system are very well organized and pass information back and forth. They work as a team and the result is a balanced, appropriate, prompt and effective response. Protection from disease depends on the effective communication and actions taken by the immune system.

  • Natural Killer (NK) cells, also known as white blood cells, roam the body looking for invaders and they have a variety of weapons at their disposal to kill the enemies. For example, they can release a substance that makes holes in the cell membrane of the attacked cell causing it to burst and die.
  • NK cells differ from other cells of the immune system by the fact that they do not need to be educated about who the enemy is nor do they require assistance in eliminating it; when they see something they do not recognize, they eliminate it with no remorse.

NK cells have other important functions. For instance, they help regulate the immune response by secreting signals (messages) called cytokines. Cytokines act like a siren alerting and activating other cells of the immunologic army. Studies indicate that NK cells play an important role in stimulating and suppressing autoimmunity.

Natural Homeopathic Immune System Stimulants.

Viruses, bacteria, toxins, stress and a poor diet can compromise your immune system at anytime. Fresh fruits and vegetables have many of the necessary vitamins and minerals that act as immune system stimulants and help maintain a healthy immune function. The problem is that most of us don’t have the time to get five to nine servings of fresh fruits and veggies each day. On top of that fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious as two decades ago.

Fortunately, there are many natural immune system stimulants available in nature, which have been captured by scientists and transformed into an effective immune system booster that can help improve the immune function in a safe and natural way.

Immu stay suplement for immune system

Immu-Stay is a potent, complex remedy that contains a selection of herbs which provide a wide range of benefits to those suffering from depressed immune systems or who wish to reach their optimal level of functioning. In therapeutic dosage, they act as a liver tonic, strengthen the immune system, improve body functioning, detoxify the body and enhance convalescence.

Immu-Stay can be used to tone and strengthen the immune system during and after illness and is a useful overall tonic for the body.

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  • Builds a strong and healthy immune system
  • Improves overall systemic balance and cellular health
  • Protects the body against viral and bacterial infections
  • Boosts energy levels and vitality
  • Reduces the occurrence of illness and premature degeneration of body cells
  • Improves healthy liver functioning, circulation and blood flow


To read more of the benefits of Immu-Stay and why a strong immune system is so important,

Natural supplements to boost immune system

From your friends and wishing you all wellness and good health,

Natural Healing Remedies

For more information on  your immune system go to our nutritional health supplements page