Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS

IBS, irritable bowel syndromeIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder that has no known or proven cause and generally affects women. Although there is no cure to this condition, it is definitely manageable through a wide range of therapies.

Common Symptoms

Patients with IBS usually report abdominal cramps, bloating, gas, nausea,sensitivities to some foods and change in bowel movement patterns (diarrhea or constipation). There is lingering abdominal discomfort or pain (for about three days or more). Diarrhea or constipation are not normal occurrences. Their presence  should be able to tell you when there’s something wrong. When you have IBS, the difference is noticeable. Increased frequency of bowel movement (three times a day or even more) denotes diarrhea, while movement that occurs less than three times a week equates to constipation.

Other signs to take note of are bowel consistency (if it is hard, soft, loose, or watery) and the passing of stool. When there’s a sense of urgency that you don’t normally get, or a strained feeling as stool passes, it could also be indicative of IBS. A bloated feeling or “gassing” up in the intestines is also another sign.

What is interesting is the time of occurrence of symptoms. Very often these  IBS distressing  symptoms occur during stressful emotional periods in peoples lives , during menstruation, or after a meal due to food intolerances. What is comforting to know irritable bowel syndrome will not  cause lasting damage and neither does it contribute to the onset of the major bowel conditions of such as cancer or colitis.

Non-Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Although these may not be obvious at the onset of the disease, any of these could occur in the long run. The patient might report any of the following:

  • headache
  • fatigue,
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • backache
  • sleeping problems (insomnia)
  • unpleasant taste
  • sexual problems (reduced desire or painful intercourse)
  • heart palpitations
  • urinary symptoms (there is a frequent urge to urinate or trouble emptying the bladder).
  • IBS suffers often have stronger or irregular contractions in their bowel while food is being digested.

What are the causes…..

The medical profession are still unsure of the  cause of irritable bowel syndrome but certain “triggers” are known to bring on  attacks in susceptible individuals. These may include:

IBS   Infection –  gastroenteritis can often leave persistent bowel symptoms, months after the  bacteria or virus has been eradicated. Doctors suspect   changes to nerve function in the bowel  and or changes in the levels of normal healthy bacteria colonies  present in the bowel. It is possible 25 % of IBS may caused by infection interestingly

IBS   Lactose intolerance – impaired absorption in the digestive system of the sugar molecule, lactose which is  in  all dairy and many processed foods. Lactose intolerance is one of  the most common  triggers for IBS. Fructose and sorbitol are other sugars believed to trigger IBS.

IBS   General diet/ food intolerance – low fibre diets can worsen constipation-predominant IBS suffers. Many patients  find spicy or sugary foods can trigger IBS symptoms. Once specific food intolerances have been eliminated, you will be able to manage your symptoms much more easily

IBS    Emotional stress – the heightened emotions of anger, anxiety or stress, can affect the nerves of the bowel  and stomachs in susceptible people.

IBS   Spastic Colon– is also referred to as IBS but it is a little different. It is characterized by a dysfunction between the brain/mind and the gut  and affects the entire enteric nervous system. It simple means that too much mental stimulus,stress,anxiety etc and being overwhelmed for long periods of time has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the communication between the two is poor.

What are the Diagnosing Tests?

irritable bowel syndromeIf you suspect you have irritable bowel syndrome, tests can be done to ascertain if you have Irritable Bowel and to rule out  any other illness’s such as lactose intolerance,  diverticulitis, Crohns Disease, polyps or Coeliac disease (an immune intolerance to gluten, present in wheat and other grains) which can  produce many of the same symptoms as IBS.

Your health care professional will  take a thorough medical history which should include a thorough assessment of your eating habits, dietary intake and physical and mental states during  your initial consultation.This way your health care professional can make a definitive diagnosis if you do have Irritable bowel syndrome.

Diagnosis methods include:

  •     Full medical check-up
  •     Blood tests, including blood tests for coeliac disease
  •     Stool tests
  •     Investigation of the bowel lining by inserting a small tube (sigmoidoscopy)
  •     Investigation of the bowel under sedation (colonoscopy) or barium enema, if necessary.
  •     CBC (complete blood count) or profiling may aid in determining the presence of inflammation
  •     In cases wherein diarrhea is the main symptom, the doctor could suggest for the patient to undergo blood testing to rule out celiac disease.
  •     a stool analysis might be able to address any infections that can be detected through a stool examination.
  •    At times, a thyroid function test, as well as imaging tests (colonoscopy), are performed as necessary.

Treatment for IBS

Although the condition is chronic (life-long), it is manageable and should not be a serious cause for alarm. Treatment is not generic, as it will not suit every patient suffering from IBS. Rather, it is symptom-specific and would also be dependent upon its level of severity and how it affects the patient’s lifestyle.

A healthy gastrointestinal tract has many good bacteria  which help to us healthy and well balanced. When these bacteria are out of balance the chemicals and toxins become extremely detrimental to our health. This where Live Bacteria are hugely beneficial  for the gut.

Probiotics containing  Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium are the most common formulas .

Lactobacillus plantarum is often used for IBS suffers with good effect

Others  probiotics are:

  • Lactobacillus rhaminosus/acidophilus casei/fermentum
  • Bifidobacteriumlactis bifidum/breve/longum
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( Boulardii)
  • Streptococcus thermophilus
  • Galacto-oligosaccharides Arabinogalactans
  • some of theses formulas conatin colostrum and inulin

It is important to  only take the Live Bacteria for a certain amount of time to repopulate your gastrointestinal tract as overuse can creaIBSte an imbalance.

Specific herbal formulas will also help to gently bring your bowels back into balance again and help with rejuvenating and acting like a tonic on your bowel. Coloflush is one such preparation which contains natural certified herbs  to support a healthy functioning digestive system which in turn aids bowel function.

irritable bowel syndrome

Find a good naturopath  or herbalist as they have an in depth understanding of natural therapies to help overcome bowel dysfunction and improve your stomach health. When these two area begin to improve your entire health will begin to improve. You will have more energy, allergies will fade away,weight loss and skin disorders will clear up

Colonic Hydrotherapy is also a good option as this helps to clear the bowel of  impacted fecal buildup through poor elimination which preventions  proper absorption of important vitamins and minerals.

Diet Change

Since food is the main resident of the stomach and most of the symptoms revolve around it, it is imperative that the issue of diet be addressed and gradually resolved. There’s a high likelihood that poor diet is a contributing factor, which is why it is encouraged to apply some diet modifications.

fiber,irritable bowel,IBS

First – the suggested food: fiber. It is suggested that fiber should be increased to address the symptom of constipation. Foods rich in fiber are fresh fruits such as pears, apples, and raspberries; vegetables like Brussels sprouts and peas; and bread and cereal products made of wheat bran and whole grain. Beans such as pinto, garbanzo, and kidney can be taken in moderation but should be avoided if gassing up is a symptom. A patient can also augment his diet with a fiber supplement to speed up results. And of course, water and fluids are mandatory as it is even when you’re not suffering from any disease.

Make sure you ingest good quality fats and oils in your diet and a little animal fat or Omega 3 fish oils are highly beneficial  as dietary fat stimulates the release of bile from the gallbladder which stimulates the gastrocolic reflex.This stimulates peristalsis in the bowel, promoting defecation.Olive oil, chia seeds and flaxseed are beneficial for your bowel health also as they act as intestinal brooms. system.

Second – the foods to avoid. It is advised that patients with IBS stay away from too much of these highly processed food triggers: caffeine, alcohol, fast foods and fatty foods. For those suffering greatly from diarrhea, they should limit the intake of dairy products, fruits, and artificial sweeteners. For patients who experience bloating or gas, they should be avoiding cabbage, beans, broccoli, or cauliflower, as these vegetables are gas triggers.

More Serious Symptoms

Although the disease is not as critical, there are some pointers that should warrant immediate medical attention. These are the alarm signals that the  Irritable Bowel Syndrome  has probably progressed into another, and these are as follows: blood in stool, very high fever, unexplained weight loss, and intolerable pain. If any of these four signs are noticed, it is suggested that the patient seek medical attention right away.