Lower Cholesterol Naturally

lower cholesterol naturallyLowering LDL the natural way is a good option – and possible, especially if you are willing to implement several lifestyle changes. For example, a change in diet will make a tremendous difference on cholesterol levels. Having the recommended amount of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is a good start. Also, research suggests that including foods such as almonds, avocados, shiitake mushrooms, oat bran, salmon, and onions in your diet can help to lower your cholesterols levels.

Ending the cigarette habit also will help. Cigarette smoke has ingredients that are above all very oxidizing and you should know that high cholesterol becomes dangerous when it is oxidized.

Adopting a moderate exercise program, losing weight and taking natural supplements that target high cholesterol levels are other lifestyle changes that can be easily implemented. The good thing about lowering cholesterol naturally is that there are no negative side effects such a muscle, kidney and liver problems, which are serious and can happen to people taking cholesterol medicines.

How to Reduce LDL Cholesterol

supplements to lower cholesterol naturallyShould you care about lowering your LDL? As you can see, you can lower cholesterol naturally so it’s worth a try. Most people understand the risks associated with high cholesterol levels, in particular, the LDL or “bad” cholesterol.

LDL is found in many types of foods, but the biggest culprits are foods containing high levels of saturated fats like meats, dairy, and fried foods. Over time, LDL accumulates on the walls of the arteries, causing them to become narrower as the build-up increases. Partially blocked arteries reduce blood flow. Total blockage results in heart attack or stroke.

Becoming a vegetarian is one way to lower cholesterol naturally, but for many, this simply is not an option. We enjoy our food and interestingly, the body prefers getting a good mix of vitamins and minerals from meals that are nutritionally balanced

Natural alternative to regulate cholesterol

Lower Cholesterol Naturally With Powerful Herbs and Compounds.

To supplement your new and improved diet, you may want to learn more about Lipi-Rite. Lipi-Rite  is a professionally formulated capsule designed to help lower cholesterol naturally.

It’s made up of several all-natural ingredients that have been proven to assist in the reduction of cholesterol levels including:

Policosanol, a sugar cane extract that increases the body’s ability to degrade LDL. Another way this extract helps lower cholesterol is by inhibiting the synthesis of hepatic cholesterol. This powerhouse extract safely reduces risks associated with heart disease and stroke.

Gugullipid Extract is an herb that works to interfere with cholesterol’s ability to form in the liver.

Beta sitosterols, also called phytosterols have chemical structures similar to those found in cholesterol. These help prevent the intestines from ingesting cholesterol. Because phytosterols are so similar to cholesterol, they end up competing with cholesterol for the mixed micelles’ limited space. Phytosterols have been shown to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by as much as 50%.

Theaflavin extract, a component of tea, works to lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL levels (the “good” cholesterol). When green tea ferments (when it changes to oolong or black tea), the theaflavins become bioflavonoids, which are also known as plant-based anti-oxidants. One study conducted during 2003 confirmed that after 12-weeks of taking this tea extract, total cholesterol level among study participants was reduced 11.3%.

guggul supplement for cholesterolLipi-Rite also contains several health-benefiting oils including oryzanol rice bran, D-limonene, pumpkin seed, and vitamin E.

  • Supports cholesterol management
  • Supports the health and function of your arteries
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system

Natural alternative to regulate cholesterol

If your cholesterol levels aren’t where they should be, perhaps it’s time to lower your cholesterol naturally with Lipi-Rite, a safe and reliable formulation that complies with all the pharmaceutical manufacturing standards.

Wishing you health and wellness,

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More information on how to  lower cholesterol naturally on our heart health page

A list of high cholesterol foods!