Natural Remedies for Child Depression


natural remedies for child depressionNatural remedies for child depression and causes of child adolescent depression…

As a parent, you will do anything that will work. That includes the use of natural remedies for child depression. There are many things to worry about here but realizing that there is a problem is the first step in the right direction. For that, consider the causes of child adolescent depression. Then try to determine just what the right method to overcome these conditions is.

Childhood depression can be caused by a number of things. There are plenty of conditions in which the mentality of a child is just not ready to deal with. This makes them more vulnerable for depression than adults that undergo the same level of stresses.

Causes of Child and Adolescent Depression

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  • Stress. Believe it or not, stress is one of the largest problems. Children have not learned how to handle stress and it is likely that they will not be able to unless they are given the necessary help. Too much to do at school, home, extra curriculum courses and a part time job can all lead to depression.
  • Family conflict. Children do not blame others for their family’s problems; they turn the blame onto themselves. If mom and dad are fighting it must be because of something that he did. This type of worry can turn into depression quickly.
  • Learning problems and emotional strain are two more things that can lead a child down the road to serious depression.
  • Parents that are depressed. Those children that only see and witness depression are going to use that as their means as well of dealing with life. In fact, it can be a learned behavior in some cases.


Medicine, Therapy and Natural Remedies.

Now that you know the possible causes of children and adolescent depression, lets take a look at a few things that can be done.

In many occasions and depending on the severity of the case, doctors will resort to only treating teens and younger children with psychological therapy. Also, there are medications that can be given to a child for depression, like Prozac, but there are risks associated with taking this type of medication. Warnings have been issued about suicide potential during treatment with this prescription drug.

On the other hand, fortunately there are some choices for natural remedies for child depression. One of the most common and most beneficial methods for treating depression is through the use of an herb called St. John’s Wort.

The British Medical Journal has found that the use of this herb to fight off depression has been just as beneficial to some as that of anti depressant medication. St. John’s Wort is one of the natural remedies that can help fight depression.

Another option is that of Passiflora. This herb is commonly used as an herbal remedy for depression. It works, as a tranquilizer yet it is quite effective and completely safe to use as well. It has also been shown to help treat anxiety in teens.

Depression is a very complex health condition and it may take some time and different approaches to deal with it. A parent with a child or adolescent that is facing the wall of depression must seek out the help of a doctor quickly. If the medication and/or the therapy is not working, or you are concerned with the side effects of drugs, these types of natural remedies for child depression may be the right option.


Featured Natural Remedy for Depression.

It is always important to give your child the best treatment and that starts with understanding the causes of his or her depression. If you are interested in natural ways to approach or complement the treatment of child and adolescent depression, St. John’s Wort and Passiflora can be really helpful… These two natural remedies are definitely worth investigating.

1)  Neuro-Natural Serenity

Natural Remedies for Child DepressionOur first scientifically  formulated product is one  specifically created to alleviate depression and anxiety and contains 43 all natural herbal ingredients to soothe the brain and nervous system and works on many levels to bring balance.
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  • Helps support against Low Moods
  • May relieve stress and frustration
  • Supports healthy brain function


It helps to promote healthy balanced serotonin levels which are vital to help keep a balanced, more positive mood by re balancing the neurotransmitters within the brain.

Other herbs such as Valerian address the issue of mood disorders such as anxiety and psychological stress,Hops helps with nervousness and irritability This product is suitable for children to adults to take


2) MindSoothe For Children And Adults

mindsoothe herbal remedy for childhood depressionPsychologists and experts in the field of natural medicine have formulated a GMP compliant formula for child depression that includes herbs  which have been  shown to reduce anger and mood swings, lift the spirit, and much more in clinical trials. about childhood depression and this natural and safe product.

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  • Relieves feelings of depression in children
  • Reduces anger, mood swings and oppositional behavior
  • Optimizes levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin
  • Improves concentration and behavioral difficulties
  • Helps boost confidence and self-esteem
  • Lifts mood in children with anxiety



Wishing you wellness and peace,




What people are saying about MindSootheJR,

“I just want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Native Remedies. Let me first start by saying that, never having a brother, I thought that our son’s behavior was that of a “typical boy”. We have a boy now 4 1/2 and a daughter 3 1/2. What really sparked us to start looking at … the differences in behavior towards activities such as coloring and making puzzles, detailed oriented vs. short spurts of attention… Native Remedies was “truly a blessing”. We started our son on BrightSpark and Focus Formula, and within 7 – 10 days there was such a difference in our son: he was able to sit through an entire family meal (huge for us), his appetite improved, his sleep improved (he was always restless), and he was able to verbalize an emotion pertaining towards a song (I cried – he had never done this in the past). We have since made changes in food choices, scheduling of daily routines, and now include MindSoothe Jr., which has helped us all out. I now see our son take the time to think about what he wants to express, and that makes my heart sing. Thank you all so much. ”

– Renee J., USA

“I want to say thank you very much. I have my son back. My son is 11 and has only been taking Mindsoothe Jr. for 5 days and already I see impressive results, and he does too. We haven’t had this kind of peace in our household in years.”

– Robertaccio, DE, USA

Why People are Loving Neuro Natural Serenity.

I have been using the Neuro-Natural Serenity for my depression. I have fought depression my whole life and have tried many things including the drug Zoloft. I believe in natural healing so I researched the web and found your product and it sounded like something I was willing to try.

I would like to say that I have used one bottle (6 tabs a day) and I already feel so much better. It is helping both my depression and anxiety. I just wanted to let you know it is a great product! I just ordered 2 more bottles so I can keep it up. It is great to have a natural product that works. In the USA it’s all about drugs. They are big business here and the FDA always tries to find ways to keep the natural healing aspect at bay. Thank-you.


Shelly M, USA

I don’t ever send messages to companies, but your Neuro-Natural Serenity supplement has brought our daughter back to good emotional health. Meg has autism and cerebral palsy and this year has been overcome by anxiety. She lost 23 pounds in 3 months and has been very unhappy and upset. Even people who didn’t know her well were shocked at the personality change and the constant crying.

After ruling out many physical possibilities, her doctor and I settled on Xanax for those days when she just couldn’t get through the day. It was not a long term solution and didn’t help much anyway. Her life and ours have been very stressed and limited for the past 6 months.

I found your product while searching for a Passion flower formula and ordered it hoping it would take the edge off of her anxiety. We have been trying to find a good solution for her anxiety for over 15 years with no luck and only this year, as a last resort agreed to a medication.

For the first week, she took just 2 a day and we were thankful there was no adverse reaction. For the next week, she took 4 a day and we all began to notice a dramatic change in her mood and level of anxiety during otherwise anxiety provoking activities.

I have ordered 2 more bottles and we are going to increase to the recommended dose of 6 a day. Thank you for developing such a remarkable product. Your product has given her and our lives back!

Thank you also for the valued customer program which has made the supplements affordable.

I am going to spread the word to anyone else who struggles with anxiety.

Amy Gracia, USA  February 22nd, 2013

I am loving Neuro Natural serenity. Life changing in fact. Lifting of chronnnnnnnic low grade depression associated with bipolar disorder, calmness, resilience. I was reticent at first because s-ame is not always recommended for bipolar, but it has really worked for me. I have tried about 8 different antidepressants and they all really made me ill and did not alleviate my depression. So I am delighted.

K Oliver, Austrailia  November 14, 2012

I have been dealing with Anxiety for the last 1 1/2 years.


I am so thankful you have put the Neuro-Natural Serenity product on the market!! It has helped me get back to a normal life-something I thought I would never find again. I don’t know if this is the right forum for this thank you letter, but I wanted to tell you guys how much the product does help anxiety sufferers. There is not that much on the market that is a supplement. So, thank you! You have literally saved my life.

Darcy C, USA  August 29th, 2012