Symptoms of Anxiety Attack

Nutrients that Fight Anxiety

Symptoms of an anxiety attack and natural cures…

Natural cures for anxiety attack symptomsChances are, you’ve felt nervous or anxious many times throughout your life. If it’s an ongoing problem you may have, or suspect that you have an anxiety disorder.

If you frequently get nervous for no apparent reason or if you panic at the thought of threats that turn out to be unwarranted, an anxiety disorder or panic attack may be to blame. Anxiety attacks come on quickly and severely and can make you feel like you’re having a heart attack or losing your mind. The symptoms can be really frightening if you have never experienced panic or anxiety attacks.

Symptoms of an anxiety attack include overwhelming fear, shortness of breath, tight chest, shaky legs and or body, heart palpitations, dizzy spells, and breaking out in a cold sweat.

If you’ve had any of these experiences you know how horrible and scary it can be. Although it’s hard to determine the exact cause of anxiety and panic it’s safe to say that a combination of genetic, current stressors, and environmental factors are likely to blame.

Regardless of the cause, if you have severe anxiety or panic attacks you will certainly want to know what you can do about it. Often the biggest challenge is realizing and accepting that it’s not your fault and, in some cases, dealing with past trauma, abuse or low self-esteem can greatly help reduce irrational or exaggerated fears.

Natural Cures for Anxiety

Natural Anxiety SupplementsLearning relaxation techniques, like yoga or meditation, can help you deal with anxiety the natural way. After all, it’s tough to be anxious and relaxed at the same time!

It’s also important to get daily exercise and a good amount of sleep so you won’t have that “frazzled” feeling that can easily become full-blown anxiety or panic. Afternoon naps are good, simply resting when you feel exhausted is so important. Also, be sure to eat a healthy diet and avoid blood sugar swings as these can cause feelings that mimic symptoms of an anxiety attack.

symptoms of anxiety attacks

The best bet is to eat small meals spaced evenly throughout the day and avoid refined foods that are high in sugar.

Herbs are an effective way to also help anxiety whether taken as a  tea or a supplement. I have found Pure Calm  which is a powerful combination of herbs to work very well for me. Within a few days, I could feel a difference in my system.

I felt much calmer and a lot less anxious. For me, the anxiety bubbling up and feeling out of control is frightening, let alone the terrible fear when a panic attack strikes. The herbs in Neuro-Natural Serenity are a researched combination with a long history of success. If you suffer pani, anxiety and fear, I invite you to read more on this supplement.

Supplements for Anxiety

I also included rest time, journaling, and learning to say NO to the many demands I was trying to satisfy! The herbs I found that worked well as teas included Valerian, Chamomile, and Passionflower, all from my local health food shop.

Anxiety and panic attacks may be connected to faulty brain chemistry. When chemical imbalances interfere with the way the brain works, symptoms of anxiety and panic can occur. Often, prescription medications are used to correct these kinds of imbalances but the side effects of these drugs may be as bad as the original problem and may also become addictive.

best supplements for anxiety

The Best Anti-Anxiety Vitamins and Minerals

If you want to address a chemical imbalance you might be better off trying natural remedies to reduce anxiety as the first line of defense. There are several nutrients that include vitamins and minerals that help reduce anxiety including the following:

Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant and eating magnesium-rich foods like avocados, spinach, pumpkin seeds, and almonds may be good for people with anxiety disorders.

Niacin (vitamin B3) is found in rice, tuna, turkey, and chicken and helps manage blood sugar swings.

Pantothenic acid (B5) can help reduce stress hormones and is often recommended for anxiety and panic. It is found in mushrooms, yogurt, avocados, and salmon.

Calcium helps nerve cells communicate with those muscles that tend to get very tense when you are anxious. Dairy products, of course, are excellent sources of calcium as well as broccoli, kale, and salmon (with bones).

Folic acid, another member of the vitamin B complex family, is a kind of natural anti-depressant that is found in leafy greens, lentils, chickpeas, and turkey.

Herbs for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

There are some herbs that are also well known to reduce the symptoms of anxiety attacks effectively. They are:

Melissa Officinalis is an herb native to the Mediterranean that is used around the world to calm the nervous system and digestive tract and to reduce blood pressure. This herb can be made into a tea to sip at regular intervals.

Passion Flower is an herbal sedative that can give you a sense of serenity and help you sleep better.

Lavandula Augustifolia or Lavender, as it is commonly known, has wonderful calming properties and has a long history of use as a general nervous system tonic.

If you are struggling with the symptoms of an anxiety attack, like constant nervousness, fear, tremors, and difficulty breathing, you may want to check out Pure Calm.

Experts in natural medicine who have studied the therapeutic value of the herbs mentioned above have formulated this herbal and natural product to control anxiety and panic attacks naturally. Take a look at this safe herbal remedy for anxiety and see how it can help you.

We wish you inner peace and calm from the bottom of our hearts,

Natural Healing Remedies

For more information on symptoms of an anxiety attack , visit our anxiety information page

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