Natural Aid For Toddler Sleep Issues

Natural Sleep Aids for Children.

Toddler sleep problems not only have an adverse effect on the child, but also on the parents. It is needless to say that if your child is having a hard time going to sleep and then staying asleep, it will wreak havoc on your sleep patterns as well. It might upset your daily routines making you more fatigued than usual as well as having to deal with a cranky and sleep deprived child and your own emotional ups and downs from sleep deprivation!We suggest some natural sleep aids that may help you in your search for balance and sanity!

There are many children between the ages of one and five who find it challenging to stick to routine sleep patterns. While there are many different ways of soothing restless kids it is best to consider some gentle and nurturing natural sleep aids for children.

If you find that your child gets fussy towards sleep time, try to establish a habitual schedule where you give the child cues to prep him for bedtime. To deal effectively with sleep issues in toddlers the goal of these cues should be to encourage expectations that get him ready for going to bed.

Sleep Cues for Toddler Sleep Problems.

Sleep cues could include a fixed time for dinner, brushing teeth after dinner, a bath before settling in for the night or even something as routine as changing into sleep clothes.

Other conventional night time activities could involve a bedtime story and then lights out for the night. Make sure that none of the actions are too stimulating because you would not want to trigger off those empowering bursts of adrenaline right before bedtime.

Along with avoiding exciting activities at night you also want to watch out for what your toddler is putting in his tummy as the day draws to a close. Do not cave in to those sweet stimulant demands  that your little one is so fond of. All children have favorite catalysts and then the next thing you know is- sugar rush on the rebound with your little cherub bouncing around madly!

Occasionally toddler sleep problems can result from external factors like being afraid of the dark. It might be that the child is actually afraid of the dark or it might just be separation anxiety, especially if the child has been used to sleeping with a parent.A low wattage night light is a great idea and we use a rock salt crystal light as it has a lovely gentle golden soft glow.

In order to provide natural sleep aides for children, parents need to understand the reasons behind the child’s agitated behavior. If your child exhibits any such tendencies, then try to make the sleep experience a comforting one.

While your toddler might be too young to confront his/her fears, you can lend a helping hand by using a night light in his/her room. Give your little one his/her favorite toy to snuggle up with and provide lots of comforting stimulants like hugs and kisses. He/she will fall asleep feeling secure and protected.

Other common complaints on the list of toddler sleep problems are habitual night waking, early waking, teething, allergies, ear infections and nightmares to name a few. While most health related problems are usually temporary – the fever will go away once it subsides, infections will get better upon administering the medication- it’s the behavioral issues that need to be regulated.

Toddler sleeping problemsTriple Complex Sleep Tonic gently and safely encourages restful sleep in your child without fear of side effects. Here are just a few of the benefits of this gentle homeopathic remedy:
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  • Relieves mild tension and increases drowsiness
  • Relieves sleeplessness
  • Helps to balance the hormones involved in sleep patterns
  • Supports rejuvenation through restful sleep
  • Supports routine balance of cell salts in the body


Easier said than done for most parents but, consistent application of sleep cues, and the use of 100% natural sleep aids for children that promote healthy sleep patterns, will reap benefits in the long run.

With toddlers on the move, parenting your child to sleep and winning bedtime battles is the ultimate goal of all parents dealing with toddler sleep problems.

Wishing you all a peaceful night!!



Return from Toddler Sleep Problems to have a look at Natural Supplements for Children



My grandson has seriously deprived my daughter of sleep for a long time, and then she found Serenite Jr. and asked me to look at the description and tell her what I thought. I didn’t even give her my opinion… I just ordered it, as well as the sprinkles, because he had night terrors. Though he still isn’t sleeping as much as she would like, he is definitely sleeping much more than he had been. Best of all, he hasn’t had one single episode of night terrors since his first dose of the sprinkles! His parents are much more rested and much happier! Yay!

GertieK from Alabama, USA.