Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chondroitin Sulfate.

Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis are focused on subsiding chronic joint inflammation using both traditional methods and some natural supplements. The condition is highlighted by alternate episodes of disease flares and then remissions.

It can affect patients of any age and although there is no standard known cure for RA, early intervention can be helpful in preventing further joint distortion as well as enhancing joint performance and function.

The best treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can be customized based on age, overall health, types of joints affected, and the severity of the condition. Appropriate lifestyle changes along with some drug and non drug therapy can help abate the adverse effects of RA.

Certain medicinal options to treat the condition are aimed at relieving painful symptoms while others assist in slowing the progression of the disease. Because individuals experience RA differently it may be a while before the most optimal medication can be determined for treatment.

ease joint pain from arthritisTypically, treatments for rheumatoid arthritis include the use of painkillers that alleviate pain rather than inflammation, NSAIDs to ease both pain and swelling, short term use of corticosteroids available as tablets and an injection, as well as DMARDs to anesthetize symptoms and slow down the advancement of the disease.

Along with taking medication, your health care provider can also recommend physical therapy and exercise techniques to keep the joints more flexible. Carefully devised exercise routines can be very helpful in avoiding undue stress on the joints. As a last resort when medication fails to help with the condition, surgery may be needed to repair damaged joints.

Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Natural Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Other treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can center on alternative therapies that derive their potency from natural sources. Available as dietary supplements, one such treatment is the use of glucosamine supplements. Administered use of this supplement has been observed to show a decrease in the severity of pain and swelling linked with RA. The supplement should be taken for a period of at least three to six months to determine its effectiveness.

Another dietary supplement known as methylsulfonylmethane or MSM is suspected as being helpful for knee arthritis but more research is needed to evaluate its efficacy. MSM is a sulfur based compound that seems to have a stimulating effect similar to that of aspirin. It is thought to improve RA symptoms by promoting anti inflammatory effects. Moreover, patients who have a sulfur deficiency are thought more susceptible to developing RA. By using MSM, the sulfur component can somewhat be compensated for.

A popular dietary supplement known as Chondroitin Sulfate is also used as a way of treating the condition in combination with glucosamine. It is believed to assist in reversing cartilage loss associated with RA. It is available as tablets, capsules and in powder form.

joint pain relief supplementsChondroitin Sulfate is naturally found in cartilage, tendons and ligaments where it adds to the joints’ strength, flexibility as well as their ability to absorb shock. Since cartilage starts to erode in RA, taking this natural nutrient can be helpful in preventing bone loss. Research has indicated that taking chondroitin sulfate as a supplement may assist in preserving healthy joint performance and efficiency.

Omega 3 fatty acid supplements, the South African herb called Devils’ claw, the Indian herb called boswellia and gamma linolenic acid are also some other notable alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis.

As you can see there are many different natural options to treat RA, and the best thing is that you can find potent formulas that have been used by many with success, which include most of the ingredients mentioned above. For example, Not Just Joints. Take some time now to peruse this wonderful natural supplement and see for yourself how it can help you overcome the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Wish you good health and an active life!

Natural Healing Remedies


Hi, I just wanted to let you know how much Not Just Joints has helped me. I have recently been diagnosed with osteo-arthritis in my neck and hands I am only 36 so was devastated to hear that the pain which was excruciating was only ever going to get worse but since starting taking Not Just Joints I don’t need to take any pain killers, which is good as the pain killers I have been prescribed are highly addictive.

Thanks very much

Steven H, Australia

I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis coming on fast and have recently purchased Total Balance, Not Just Joints and Omega 3. I have to say that since starting on the recommended regime on Saturday I am now feeling absolutely wonderful with no pain in my hands from the osteo and the fibromyalgia has also gone into remission hopefully permanently. This may be a little too much to ask but I will keep you posted when I re-order. I can’t tell you have thankful I am for your help especially Joanna for recommending these products. I am now able to exercise regularly and also live a normal life. Long may it last!!

Elizabeth W, New Zealand